

09:20-09:55 등록 사회. 오영택 총무이사 (고려의대)
09:55-10:00 개회사 신정호 회장 (고려의대)
Session I. Insights about Leiomyoma and Adenomyosis 좌장: 황경주 (아주의대)
유은희 (경희의대)
10:00-10:25 A deep dive into the molecular mechanisms underlying leiomyoma and adenomyosis development 이현주 (부산의대)
10:25-10:50 MRI differentiation among leiomyoma, adenomyosis, and other uterine malignancies 김호군 (가톨릭의대)
10:50-11:05 Discussion 조시현 (연세의대)
장하균 (이화의대)
11:05-11:20 Coffee Break  
Session II. Update on Management of Leiomyoma and Adenomyosis 좌장: 최두석 (성균관의대)
김미란 (가톨릭의대)
11:20-11:45 How to manage bleeding in leiomyoma and adenomyosis with hormonal therapies 이재훈 (연세의대)
11:45-12:10 Interventional management for symptomatic leiomyoma and adenomyosis 기경도 (민트병원)
12:10-12:25 Discussion 황규리 (서울의대)
남궁정 (가톨릭의대)
Luncheon Symposium 좌장: 신정호 (고려의대)
12:25-12:40 The role of IV iron (FerinjectⓇ) in OBGY 오영택 (고려의대)
12:40-13:30 Lunch  
Session III. Perspectives from Obstetrics and Gynecologic Oncology 좌장: 이정재 (순천향의대)
  이근호 (가톨릭의대)
13:30-13:55 Strategies for managing leiomyoma before and during pregnancy to ensure maternal and fetal health 설현주 (경희의대)
13:55-14:20 Surgical decision-making and oncological follow-up of unexpected leiomyosarcoma during myomectomy 이건우 (충남의대)
14:20-14:35 Discussion 오수영 (성균관의대)
손주혁 (아주의대)
14:35-14:50 Coffee Break  
Session IV. Appropriate Surgical Treatment for Leiomyoma and Adenomyosis 좌장: 조치흠 (계명의대
  이재관 (고려의대)
14:50-15:15 Comparison of multi-port vs. single-port for robotic myomectomy 이사라 (울산의대)
15:15-15:40 Case selection and tips for robotic adenomyomectomy 정윤지 (가톨릭의대)
15:40-15:55 Discussion 김미란 (아주의대)
이다용 (서울의대)
15:55-16:00 폐회사 신정호 회장 (고려의대)